Food Science Class: Food Safety and Food Preservation

Mark your calendars:

Friday, August 28, 2014
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
(Contact me for location details. Indicate your homeschool support group and accountability association)
Students and Parents of all ages (but probably more geared to 6th grade and up)
Mr. Al Williams, Product Director North American Rollstock/Cyrovac
RSVP with me Angela,
This will certainly be an interesting one day class. Homeschoolers aren’t often studying a Food Science Course.
Oh…..What is Food Science you ask
It’s the study of the nature of foods and the changes that occur in them naturally as a result of handling and processing.
Additionally, Food Science is designed to reinforce and enhance the student’s knowledge of scientific principles and processes through the study of foods and nutrition.  An in-depth understanding of science as it applies to foods will assist students with interest in career and technical education, to understand the food industry as well as food preparation in their daily lives.  
Mr. Williams indicated the following, 
 It is quite interesting in the number of misconceptions that exist related to food safety and preservation. I (we) here at Cryovac do this periodically because we are asked to or because we see the opportunity to share the knowledge and experience that we work with on a daily basis as it relates to our food supply.  Cryovac has over 50 Food or Packaging Science employees in North America alone and we have a wealth of information that we can share to better inform consumers about the food we all produce and consume.  I, personally have conducted these kinds of sessions for Dorman HS and at the college level over the years and enjoy doing it. 
Mr. Williams will cover:

Food Safety and Food Preservation

I.                    Introduction

II.                  What causes food to “spoil”?


                     Bacteria, Yeast & Mold


                     Oxidation, Rancidity, “off flavors”



III.                Methods for preserving food or extending  shelf life



                   Moisture level

                   Ph- acidity level

                  Packaging/Environmental control


IV.              Safe Food preparation





If you would like to take this class further into your homeschooling these are some things you could consider or even if your student would like to go on to study food science even further:

  • Food safety – the causes, prevention and communication dealing with foodborne illness
  • Food microbiology – the positive and negative interactions between micro-organisms and foods
  • Food preservation – the causes and prevention of quality degradation
  • Food engineering – the industrial processes used to manufacture food
  • Product development – the invention of new food products
  • Sensory analysis – the study of how food is perceived by the consumer’s senses
  • Food chemistry – the molecular composition of food and the involvement of these molecules in chemical reactions
    • Food physical chemistry– the study of both physical and chemical interactions in foods in terms of physical and chemical principles applied to food systems, as well as the application of physicochemical techniques and instrumentation for the study and analysis of foods
  • Food packaging – the study of how packaging is used to preserve food after it has been processed and contain it through distribution
  • Molecular gastronomy – the scientific investigation of processes in cooking, social & artistic gastronomical phenomena
  • Food technology – the technological aspects
  • Food physics – the physical aspects of foods (such as viscosity, creaminess, and texture)
  • Food physical chemistry– physical and chemical aspects of foods, structure-functionality relationships in foods.

Family and Consumer Sciences Core Courses:

·               Food and Nutrition

·               Lifespan Studies

·               Housing and Environment

·               Clothing and Textiles


Food and Nutrition cluster courses:

·               Food Preparation and Nutrition

·               Nutrition, Health and Fitness

·               Culture and Foods

·               Gourmet Foods

·               Entrepreneurship

·               Commercial Food Program

·               Food Science (may be used for 1 science credit)