As a homeschool parent, I am always excited to see my children become interested in concepts. I observe them to see how long their interest will last.
Lately, my two sons have taken their interest and turned it into a passion in several ways.
My last blog post I mentioned our youngest son, he wants to be a chef when he grows up. His passion for cooking is so strong every time we visit the library, he checks out a kid’s cookbook. Him preparing and cooking a meal for his family every Friday has inspired him to discover a talent and gives his Dad a break.
Our youngest son continues to learn more about food; also, cooking has motivated him to create two YouTube channels.

The first channel is ‘Game Master Not.’ This channel
is where he shares a variety of food previews, gaming, and a variety of other concepts.
The second channel is ‘Cooking with Game Master Not’ where he shares a variety of dishes that he prepares by himself or with adult supervision.
His Dad and I are so proud of him being passionate about cooking.
We want the same passion to apply in the classroom for math and reading, as a result. I am learning to incorporate his passion for cooking to help to him improve in his academics.
For example, I utilize measuring the correct serving sizes to help with developing his math and following cooking instructions for the right ingredients to develop his reading.
In contrast to my youngest son exploring his talents, my oldest son is exploring his passions too.
The eldest’s passion is learning everything that he can about Skylander’s and Transformers.
In addition, he is so passionate about learning the history and details involving the characters and story line about Skylander’s and Transformer.

His deep seeded interested has motivated him to create his personal YouTube channel titled ‘Skylander Gamer all about Skylander’s.’
In addition, his knowledge of Skylander’s have led him to create a second YouTube channel titled ‘Hood Sickle Skylander Gamer Live Stream’ where he can interact with his viewers while he plays Skylander live.
He is doing an amazing job.
His Dad and I are proud of him for learning about his passion, and passing his knowledge along to others to assist them in their journey.
Normally, parents would hope sometimes the passion for ‘Skylander’s and Transformers’ would end during class; however, homeschooling flexibility allows the opportunity to utilize the passion for ‘Skylander’s and Transformers’ to help develop his skills in essay writing and research papers.
Do you have a child or children who are exploring talents and passions?
Do you have a hard time getting your child or children to focus in the classroom?
If your answer is yes, I recommend trying to utilizing their passions, interests, and talents to your advantage by incorporating them in your lessons.
Have a great day!
Happy Homeschooling!
Live Life To The Fullest, You Deserve It!!!

My name is Denise. I am a wife and mother. I have been married for a total of 15 years to my best friend, handsome, and supportive husband Tim. Besides being a wife, I am the mother to two smart, fun, loving, and handsome boys Tyron and Tyson. I am the mother to two fur babies my Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) Ebony and Shaka Zulu. Along with being a wife and mother, I am a blogger. My website is Along with being a blogger, I have a YouTube channel Deveghomemama and Facebook page Deveghomemama both are all about homeschooling, being plant based, and everyday life of a homeschool family. I have an online business called Unlimited Custom Designs where I sell custom made shirts for toddlers, youth, and adults, handcrafted beaded bracelets and earrings. To view my merchandise, here is the link I have homeschooled for a total of eight years. I enjoy homeschooling, and I enjoy sharing my advice with others.