Beyond the Mask (movie) needs your help!!

SC Beyond the Mask (movie) Needs your help!

beyond the mask

The Theatre Captain Coordinator for Beyond the Mask contacted me just moments ago and asked that I would get the word out about the movie. There are a few movie theaters that are *almost* at capacity but if they don’t reach the needed numbers the movie will not go to the theaters.

Please Pre-reserve your tickets today!

Thank you for taking a moment to speak with me and for your willingness to share Beyond the Mask with the homeschoolers in your state. Here is a link where you can purchase your tickets: Just enter your zip code to find a showing near you – and reserve your tickets today!

This amazing family film made by homeschool graduates – is scheduled to come to over 1000 theaters, in all 50 states, beginning April 6, 2015. But so far, not enough tickets have been reserved to make these showings a reality.

Tickets for Beyond the Mask must be reserved in advance online. It takes an average of only 65 tickets per theater–purchased two weeks in advance–to “tip” a theater, and ensure that Beyond the Mask will be shown there.

Don’t miss the chance to share this exciting film, with its message of redemption with your homeschool group, church, friends, and community. Reserve your tickets today and spread the word! And remember – every ticket purchased is a vote for Christian filmmaking!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
God Bless,

Victoria Atherton
Theater Captain Coordinator
(317) 431-1230