2-DAY WORKSHOP: Homeschooling Your Special Needs Student with Susan Blackwell

2-Day Workshop with Susan Blackwell

Homeschooling Your Special Needs Child

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 and Wednesday, May 17, 2017

12 noon to 2:30 p.m.

Boiling Springs Library, Boiling Springs, SC

$5 non refundable registration fee.

Homeschooling Your Special Needs Child

This 2-Day workshop  – Homeschooling Your Special Needs Child will be FULL of great information for the homeschooling parent of special needs children. Just in time for the NEW homeschooling year.

What is special needs?

Well special needs stretches from cognitive delays, physical handicaps, medical set-backs or issues, adoptive children “labeled” special needs, emotional concerns/traumas and the like.

This workshop is for PARENTS that homeschool children with special needs on any of these levels or the like.

UCHU members and Non-UCHU members are welcome to attend.

This workshop is a presentation of United Christian Homeschoolers Unlimited – Accountability Association (UCHU-AA)

Susan Blackwell is the Special Needs Homeschooling consultant with UCHU.

I’m delighted to have her give of her time, knowledge and resources to serving the special needs homeschooling community.

With more than 14 years of special needs consulting and being a homeschool mom to a special needs student, you will find Susan to be an absolute wealth of information!!

Susan will discuss:

*Homeschooling the Special Needs Child

*Creative How -To’s in homeschooling your Special Needs child.

*Testing Special Needs Students (Importance, How to get it done, etc.)

*Discussion on Planning for Adulthood for your Special Needs Child

*High School and Beyond: earning credits, graduation diplomas, and more

*Graduating Diploma, Certificate, Attendance Certificate etc.?

*Identifying *if* your child is a special needs learner

*Receiving Special Needs services

*Homeschooling IEP?

*Q & A session

Workshop info will be different on both days. You can attend one day or both. 
Limited seating. FIRST 20 registrants ONLY!!

As space is EXTREMELY LIMITED the first 20 registrants may attend.  

Your completed registration **is required** in order to attend!

If we exceed the maximum number of registrations a waiting list will be started.

You may attend both days. Your paid registration gives you entry into both workshop days. If you are only able to attend one day the registration fee is the same.

**No payment at the door will be granted.**

REGISTER HERE!!!  <<<<<<<< Click on the link to register

Learn about Susan Blackwell:

Susan’s Bio <<<< click on the link

About Susan <<<< click on the link

If you should have questions feel free to email Angela at UCHUThirdOption@gmail.com

(Be sure to share this post. You may just have a homeschooling friend, family or foe that desires to homeschool their special needs homeschooler but is not sure they can do it!)


Serving You and Yours,

Angela Jordan Perry, is a wife of 24 years, homeschooling Mom of eight children, mentor, entrepreneur, Young Living direct marketer, mad’am farmer, homeschool Academy director, President of Women’s Empowerment Toastmaster-Greenville and follower of Jesus Christ. Angela and her family makes their home in Campobello, SC.