Wednesday’s Words of Encouragement: Prayer (guest blogger)

Last month one of my best friends from childhood got very sick after having a sweet baby girl.  We’d just come back from visiting her and her new baby when they put her in the hospital that night with extremely high blood pressure.  She lives a couple of hours away so I couldn’t be right there with her through it all.  I remember feeling so helpless being far away.  With 4 kids in tow and a husband working long days, I just couldn’t bust up in the hospital with my crazy train.  I was telling another friend just how helpless I felt and how worried.  My friend encouraged me to pray and that God is so much bigger than we are.  So I prayed.  I prayed when  I got up, when I was washing dishes, when I was in the car.  Whenever I thought of my friend, I prayed.  I prayed for healing, for peace and comfort for her, that she could get better so she could get home to her sweet family.  In a few days, she was able to do just that.  I’m so thankful God answered that prayer.  She is one of the best and sweetest people I know.  I love you to pieces Joy. 🙂

Fast forward to a few weeks later.  I found myself in the hospital after an emergency gallbladder surgery, a blood clot, and then a touch of pneumonia. My grandmother also passed away and I had to miss her funeral.  It was awful and I was scared.  The doctors couldn’t figure out exactly what went wrong with the first surgery.  No one had answers and I just wanted to get better and get home to my babies.  There was nothing I could do but pray, so I did.  I also felt the prayers of others rolling in.  I can’t explain it but I could feel them covering me, bringing me peace.  It was amazing.  I remember closing my eyes and just feeling the power of people praying for me.  I’ve never experienced comfort like that.

I did get to go home a week later.  I feel almost 100% now that it’s been almost a month.  I’m so thankful God answered prayers.  I’ve since talked to people that were praying me through.  There were mommas with a house full of babies praying for me.  There were sweet senior adults at the church I grew up at praying for me.  My children were praying for me.  Old friends and new friends were praying.  We had pastors come to visit that prayed for me. My sweet husband would lean over me and hold my hand and pray for me.  Joy returned the favor and was praying for me too.

Through this scary time I have learned that if you ever feel helpless in a situation and you don’t know what to do, stop and pray.  Your prayers are more than enough.  They are more than just words whispered aloud.  God has shown me that he is faithful and that prayers are important.  I’d do it all over again just to see the beauty that comes from others prayers, I really would.

Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Doan Family pic

Elizabeth Doan is married to her hubby David for 14 years.  Mother to four wonderful kiddos: Sam (10), Sarah (8), Evie Joy (4), and Sadie Rose (6 months).  Homeschooling Momma for 4 years with 17 years to go!   Elizabeth’s favorite quote in the whole wide world is: “Life is frittered away by details.  Simplify, simplify.”  -Henry David Thoreau

