Wacky Wednesay and Frenzy Friday’s BIG GIVE AWAY!!

Who are in for having a WACKY WEDNESDAY and FRENZY FRIDAY UCHU Big Give Away?? 🙂
You can come to one or the other or BOTH!!!
You must either check on Yahoo Group Page or on our Events and Happenings page on the www.UCHUpstate.com which requires a password to see.
9:30 – 11 a.m.
Bring your own plastic bags.
Please have clothes neatly folded, looking and nice and neat. 🙂
Come earlier to set-up and have things looking lovely
We can set up on the side walk and onto the grass area by the side walk.
Kids can play and have lunch there if you like.
I hope the weather is GREAT!!! This is how much stuff I have to bless someone with. Two days may work. I’m going to try and make it to both. My Littles may not come so they can stay home one of those days to get school work done. 🙂