UCHUpstate.com. New Website look, layout and new widgets :)

The idea of the website has continually evolved since it’s conception in June 2014.

All I can say is that I *believe* that the Lord continues to add new vision and purpose to the website and how it can/should be used by the homeschooling community.

www.UCHUpstate.com is to be a RESOURCE.

A RESOURCE of homeschool information, helps, education and camaraderie for our community and abroad.

Here on the website you will find almost every aspect of homeschooling covered for your use and assistance.

As many of you are in remote areas homschooilng or may not be at liberty to leave your home because you are the main care-giver in the home…..now you have a NEW element as a resource for you to connect with the homeschooling community…….Homeschool Moms LIVE! Chat.

Now you can log into Homeschool Moms LIVE! Chat and chat with our UCHU community!

Ask questions.

Receive immediate encouragement.

Receive guidance.

Connect and meet others.

It’s simple!

Go to the menu that says *Homeschool Moms LIVE! Chat*, enter the password that you have been given as a member of UCHU, type in your name when you come into the room and began chatting with whomever is in the room!

If you can think of ANYTHING at all that you would like to see available on www.UCHUpstate.com please let me know. 🙂

Serving you and yours,
