Mom’s Night Out!!!

WHEN: TONIGHT, September 25, 2014

WHERE: Please email me directly for location. Please provide the accountability association you are with.

TIME: 6:30 p.m.

Special Guest Speaker:

Barbara Leatherwood

Barbara will be speaking on teaching our children critical thinking skills.

She travels all over the US speaking. We are fortunate to have her take time to speak with us.

She has some fantastic tips on teaching children how to think for themselves, reason, and be more active in their learning instead of being passive learners.

As a mother of college, graduate, and post-graduate students of secular colleges and universities, this is crucial in today’s college class rooms.

These skills need to be learned as early as possible.

Barbara wants to make this discussion as interactive for our moms as possible giving them every opportunity to ask questions.
On a side note, she is truly an inspiring person. She has been fighting breast cancer for the past 11 months. She was so ill that she was in a wheelchair in May. Considering what she has through the past 11 months ans what she is still facing, her spirit is truly inspiring. She is fighting through this incredibly difficult time and yet encourages and inspires others.


Please contact me offline if you will be attending at satmom24@gmail.com so i can get the final count.

Thanks, Pamela