It’s time!!!! 🙂
It’s that time to consideration Kindergarten graduation!
Hopefully you have thought about it and have decided to have your Kindergarten student take part in our graduation!

I remember my Kindergarten graduation and still have my Kindergarten diploma along with my picture!!!! After 40 years. 🙂 These will be great memories for them AND FOR YOU as well!! 🙂
Here are the details:
1. Please respond with a Yes for participation BY Monday, April 11, 2016. Either reply will let me know that you have received this message and no one is left out.
2. Students will wear white cap and gownwhich you can borrow, purchase from Amazon or any reasonably priced location.
3. Students will have their class song that they will sing. I will send the link to this song so students can began learning it and prepare accordingly. It’s the cutest!!!
I will send out the group practice date to you as well!
4. Students will have the opportunity to give a student presentation. i.e. quote a Scripture, sing a song, dance etc.
5. I will need two pics for a slide presentation.One of them as a baby and another more recent one of them.
6. $10 participation fee. To make your Paypal contribution for this I will send the detailed information to you. In the note section indicate your students name, your phone number and email address. (all for a quick reference…..Thank you!)
7. Students will receive a kindergarten diploma. Parents will present this to them at the graduation and seal with a kiss. Lots of tears when this is done. So precious!!
8. There will be a small reception afterwards for family and friends to enjoy this celebration.
9. A count of how many family and friends will participate.
10. Non UCHU-AA homeschoolers may participate as well. I would need to know affirmative information for this.
Again…..please respond by MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2016 with a **YES** Â to participation. This is greatly appreciated.
Friday, May 27, 2016
6 p.m.
Location will be sent in a private email message after contribution is received.
Thank you for being a member of UCHU-AA!! 🙂
Serving You and Yours,
Angela Perry, Director/Administrator UCHU-AA