There is NO SHAME in the ‘Ask’ & Girlsfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling

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Appearing to have fallen short.

Being judged.

Felling like a failure.

Drudging through.




More often than not this list of ‘perceived draw-backs’ can cause us NOT to seek help in our homeschooling.

The story that we tell ourselves in our heads often cause us to go on and on in the circles of seclusion and lack of confidence.

Today, I met with a homeschooling Mom. She’s been homeschooling for nine or ten years.

I’m SO proud of her!! She reached out to me and said, “May we talk? My homeschooling isn’t going as well as I would have hoped this year. Maybe you can shed some insights on it. Or give me some suggestions.”

She needed to:

*hear my story

*get some ideas

*hear that she is doing pretty darn well

*receive affirmation

*walk away from ‘her story’ that she was telling herself in her head

*receive some encouragement

*know that she wasn’t alone in how she was feeling

After our time today over coffee, some laughs, discovery of how much we are SO MUCH alike (red personalities), curriculum suggestion, hope for her future path of homeschooling and a hug……

Her countenance totally changed!

Somestimes just talking is all you need!

Just talking things out.

It is my desire to be able to sit with each and every homeschooling Mom, with a cup of coffee and chat over some things that’s heavy on your heart!!

However, I can’t do that with each of the hundreds of Moms in my homeschooling accountability association.

But….I sure can do it virutally and in a group.

Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry is just that!!!


I want it to be an exchange of convesation, suggestions, encouragement and connecting with other friend girls who homeschool.

I will admit….I don’t know it all. Ha!!

But 16 years under my belt will allow me to give and share what I do have to give.

Why connect with Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling?

Because weekly we will have live fb feeds, live Youtube recordings, live Google HangOuts….where we can:

*chat over morning coffee

*get your questions asked and answered

*hear triumps and struggles of other Moms

*hear interviews from Moms who have gone before you

*be refreshed

*get some ‘how tos’ under your belt

*get creative ideas

*learn from others

*know that you aren’t on the journey alone

*connect with other ‘friend girls’ along the way

The schedule that we will meet will be TUESDAY MORNING at 7:45 a.m. for 45 minutes! We will wrap it up at 8:30 a.m.

Pass on your questions via the website. I’ll get them and we will have discussion time with them.

If our ‘meet up’ time end up having more homeshool ‘Girlfriends’ then expected…..then we will add another day into the mix during the week!!!

Any homeschooling ‘Girlfriend’ can join in. So please spread the word!!

You can find me on fb live on the ‘Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling‘ page!

Non fb folks can join live on Youtube and inter act with questions there. You tube channel is ‘Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling.’

Or find me on Google Hangouts – Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling

Right now…go to the fb page ‘Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling’ and LIKE page.

Follow my Youtube Channel at:

It’s my prayer that our time together will be beneficial in more ways than one!!

Be sure to share this post with other friends. This just may be the resource of encouragement that they are looking for!

Let’s make this homeschool ‘Girlfriends’ group BIGGER than ever!!

Serving You and Yours,

Angela Jordan Perry


Angela Jordan Perry, is a wife of 24 years, homeschooling Mom of eight children, mentor, entrepreneur, Young Living direct marketer, mad’am farmer, homeschool Academy director, President of Women’s Empowerment Toastmaster-Greenville and follower of Jesus Christ. Angela and her family makes their home in Campobello, SC.