The homeschooling ‘path’ with holes, broken pieces and incomplete parts. Oh my!

As home educators we are our HARDEST critic.

Often times this is true of most hard working people in general.

There is no doubt that those who educate their own children at home are some of the hardest workers there are.

We are juggling MANY things from day to day.

Often times with a baby on the hip, phone in the hand, children at the kitchen table asking questions, keeping up with the household budget, cleaning house, figuring out the food option for the next meal AND doing it all while remaining in the right spirit. Ha!!

Having to juggle so much we can often feel like there are holes, broken pieces and incomplete parts in our homeschool efforts.


However, I know one thing to be true. With your Option 3 Accountability Association director’s help, following the Option 3 laws and remaining diligent at the task no matter what the path looks like never ever doubt the successful end. Because it is indeed there.

I’ve graduated two children with a third on the way towards graduation in 2017. They have been my prize efforts at homeschooling.

The oldest went on to do well as a dual enrollment student. She now is a violin teacher and a Nanny for family where she helps tutor the children (homeschooling).

My son, the second oldest, scored unbelievably well on the ASVAB test required to enter the military. He was my HARDEST student ever! Omgee!! He really made me want to pull out my hair…..every day. But he now will be a corpman (medical nurse) in the military. I thought for sure he had a lot of holes in his education. He scored unbelievably well. Woohoo!!

Then the child to graduate the end of this year… easiest thus far to educate. Self motivated. Will search out how to learn what she needs to learn. Easy Peasy. And THANK THE LORD for a bit of respite. She is heading out of state to college with her violin performance college education ‘almost’ totally paid for. We are waiting on a few other things to pan out for more scholarship $$. Her academic scholarship is the largest part of her award. Ahhh, let me say that again. Her academic scholarship is the largest part of her award. This is due to how well she scored on her ACT. Which has something to do with….her home education. 🙂

All these years, I worried.

I doubted myself.

I didn’t see a successful end.

I was assured that we weren’t measuring up in our homeschooling.

I was driving myself mad.

But alas……..the successful end is indeed here.

My encouragement to you homschooling Mom/Dad/Grandma/Granddad is to keep moving forward. Though the bridge of ‘learning’ may appear unstable and unable to support any ‘weight’, I can guarantee you that your efforts are paying off, will pay off and the end results will be the proof in the pudding.

Please don’t get me wrong. You can’t HOPE for success if you aren’t putting in the effort. And effort often comes with all of the things I afore mentioned .


Doubting yourself.

Not seeing the end result to be clear.

And just plain ole’ not feeling as if you measure up.

BUT…..keep in the back of your mind that you can look upon the path  without the feeling of it paralyzing you.

Look at the path but keep your eyes beyond the path…..because there is the SUCCESS of homeschooling awaiting.

Never ever doubt it!

Because….It’s there!

(Be sure to share these words of encouragement with your fellow homeschooling friends. It just may be the words they need to hear today.)


Serving You and Yours,


Angela Jordan Perry,

UCHU ower/director/administrator

Angela Jordan Perry, is a wife of 24 years, homeschooling Mom of eight children, entrepreneur, mad’am farmer, Toastmaster and follower of Christ. Angela and her family makes their home in Campobello, SC.