By Angela P.
Our family which are farmers in progress, attend the yearly farmers tour here in our area.
The tour allows the tourist to experience and learn about all the various facets of farming.
There you will find alpaeca farm;, flower farms; wineries; vegetable farms; cattle/pigs/compost farms; worm farms, fish farms and MUSHROOM FARMS!
This year our travels took us to an amazing guided tour led us long nature trails, viewing outdoor production beds of mushrooms, hearing a discussion on forest and mushroom ecology, recycling and composting with mushroom instructions, an outside viewing of their 0% germ free sterilized mushroom production room, which was super cool. Made you feel as if these people are working on some special out of space material as they are suited up in full white suits, head covered, gloves on and one way entrance zones.
We also picked up some pretty cool items, pictured above.
We are now growing our very own edible, organic mushrooms!!!

With anticipation we wait and look. Wait and look. Wait and look. To see the budding of our mushrooms.
The mushrooms growing out of the plastic bag are Blue Oyster Mushrooms.
The mushrooms that will be growing out of the wood are Shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are said to help protect against cardio vascular disease. They are also a very good, non-animal food source of iron. Additionally Shiitake mushrooms are often grown on saw dust blocks in a natural setting but can also be grown on natural hardwood logs in a shady area (that’s what we are doing).
Shiitake mushrooms are rich in B vitamins, excellent source of pantothenic acid, very good source of vitamin B2, good source of vitamin B6, niacin, selenium and copper. Very good source of zinc and a good source of manganese.
Just too many great benefits from just 1/2 a cup (a serving) of these delectable mushrooms.
As for the Blue Oyster Mushrooms, these are cold weather mushrooms preferring temperatures of up to 65 degrees F.
These little beauties enjoy growing on old -used phone books and coffee grounds. They are bright blue to brown-gray fruit bodies and will hold their shape while cooking.
Hopefully soon, we will have our V-E-R-Y O-W-N farm grown mushrooms from home. 🙂
Hey……ARE YOU ALL STILL IN SCHOOL? 🙂 My kids are. (smh)