Monday’s Message: Message of Prayer for UCHU (video)

One of the greatest things we can do as a community is to stand in PRAYER with each other and for each other.

I don’t think we do it enough. 

I understand that with the busyness of life our list of *to do’s* is so long.

However, with this week I hope that we can join together in prayer. Praying for those families that are dealing with:

*health issues for their children


*peace of mind

*marriages that need to be restored

*restoration in families

*single homeschooling Moms trying to figure things out

*the thousands of families that are refugees fleeing for their lives

Let’s pray together and stand together in this.

Not just this week but each week remember your UCHU family that needs you to stand with them.

I will plan to have a week of prayer for our Monday’s Message at least once a month. If YOU desire to stand in prayer and like to share in prayer via video please feel free to post in on our UCHU FB page or on our website. We will figure out all of the logistics.

Never the less……LET’S PRAY!! 

Serving You and Yours,

Angela Perry