In your homeschooling are you growing like a lobster? (video included)

I have home schooling families mention to me that homeschooling is somewhat stressing.

Probably ‘self-induced’ stress.

Never the less, whatever the case is….STRESS can provide some great benefits for you personally. But are you ready for them?

Most of us run from pressure when it comes to things that aren’t comfortable.

Things that are challenging.

Things that don’t feel good.

Well……I have some news for you.

You need to change your thought process as it relates to stress.

According to Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski, “Times of stress are also times that are signals for growth. And if we use advertisity properly we can grow through adversity.”

Rabbi Twerski has some profound thoughts in this video as it relates to stress.

Then after viewing this video ask yourself, “Am I growing like a lobster?” 


If not, then began to do so and see what your life, homeschooling and emtional state will be like for you. 🙂

(Be sure share this post with homeschooling Mom/Dad/Grandmom/Grandpa. You just never know who may need it. Thanks.)


Serving You and Yours,

Angela Jordan Perry,

UCHU owner/administrator/director