First Day of Home School ‘Picture’ Ideas :p

Ok…. ok….Ok…Ok………OK!!!!!


Some of you are learning a bit about me and my lack of ‘enjoyment’ for anything craft-y-ness (not sure if that is a word). But that’s me.

However, this year I am trying to make a change and grow beyond my normal lack of ‘enjoyment’ for anything craft-y-ness. :p

Beside creating Busy Bags for 13 children.

Making special gifts for all of my children for their first day of homeschool come September 1, 2014.

Assembling each of their own little supply packages.

I thought it would be great to do …………………..first day of homeschool pictures!!!

Ok…..I know you are thinking, “Angela, really? Pictures? First day of homeschool pictures? What’s the big deal with that?”

Well……..actually DOING IT is the big deal. 

I. Just. Don’t. Normally do it.

But being around and reading about such creative homeschool moms is causing something to AWAKEN – WITHIN me. 🙂

Just follow along with me………

If you too are interested in some first day of homeschooling picture ideas then take a look at these ideas below.

Maybe you can add something to these ideas and make them your own! :p


Angela P.

(Just click on any of the links below)

10-First Day of (home) School Picture Ideas

30+ Free Printables for First (home)School Picture Ideas

(home) School Pictures