ETV Workshop

Please mark you calendars for this workshop!

ETV has a plethera of video streams that are available for preschool, elementary, middle school and high school.

Over 1500 education programs. With a video library of about 36,000 video clips and about 11,000 full educational videos.

These video streams are user friendly to go along with and provide support to your homeschooling curriculum by re-enforcing the subject matter. NO matter what the subject matter may be. 🙂

To be able to access these resources as a home educator a director of an association must set-up a workshop. Thus I’m setting this workshop up for the homeschooling community.

The workshop gives the parent training – FREE on how to utilize the 1,000s of resources available to you.

Interested in virtual LIVE field trips? Videos to reinforce Math? Social Studies? English? Science? (although the science may not all come from a Christian perspective).

Then you will definitely want to take advantage of this workshop.

Some of you may be aware of this resource that is available to homeschoolers.

Please share with the group if you are 🙂 Thanks.

WHAT: ETV Workshop

WHO IS THE PRESENTER Debbie Jarrett at, a former homeschool mom

WHEN: Friday, October 17, 2014

TIME: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

WHERE: Please contact me for details. Provide the name of your accountability association and how long you have been homeschooling.

Space is limited! 

If you are a member of UCHU please do the following:

******REGISTER On UCHU Yahoogroup page********* 

Go to UCHU YahooGroup page

Go to *More Tab*

Choose *Database*

Choose *ETV-Workshop, Friday, October 17, 2014* database

Please provide  your: Name; email address;  have you ever used EVT before; if you will be bring children.



For South Carolina Homeschools,

ETV StreamlineSC is an exciting, free resource that brings standards­ based digital video to every K­12 classroom in South Carolina (including home schools!). 

The content originates from Learn360, who has an existing library of more than 38,000 video clips, 11,000 full videos, and over 103,000 assets. 

There is also South Carolina content from ETV and ITV. 

In addition to video, homeschools have access to a high ­resolution image library; quiz, assignment and writing prompt builders; black line masters and teachers’ guides; and a calendar of events that ties video and image content to important dates in history. 

ETV, partnering with the State Department of Education and the K­12 Technology Initiative, provides this service FREE to all public, private and home schools in South Carolina.