Celebrating 1st-Day of Homeschooling Ideas :p

Personally, I have been homeschooling for 14 years! Wow, has time flown by!

And honestly, the thrill and excitement of my job has waned a bit.

The fun, frilly, out-of-the-box things I use to do when my older children were younger……well……I just don’t do any  more.

However, since we’ve added to our family through adoption, I now have four younger children that I am homeschooling, I am feeling the need to revert to the ‘super-fun-exciting-act-like-a-clown-homeschooling machine’ mommy I use to be when I was YOUNGER. <sigh> 

Lack of energy and foggy brain can slow a homeschooling Momma down :p

But alas the Lord is my Strength, my Helper and my Creative One. So as of recent, I’ve been crying out to Him to renew, restore and rebirth the ‘above described’ Momma once again.

Here are some things I have found that you may be interested in doing as well as you start back up your school year.

Now if you have already started back homeschooling for this school year…..then now worries……just do one of these creative ways of celebrating your near year NOW.

So if you need some ideas……


100+ Back-to-School Celebration Ideas



~Angela P.