If you remember at the start of the 2019-2020 homeschool year I mentioned that UCHU’s website would have guest bloggers who are current members of UCHU.
Well…..I want to give them BOTH a BIG SHOUT OUT!!

Naja Coles (pic left) and Joy (her blogger name) (pic right)
has done an awesome job posting every
Sunday and Wednesday respectfully.
Your comments have been posted on the website when you share them or I have forwarded your comments to them directly.
If you are finding their writings encouraging PLEASE make a comment on the website.
Or you can send me a message to forward to them.
Many of their blog posts have spoken to me directly. Have made me think, re-think prior thought processes, reconsider actions that I’ve been doing and also relieving some unnecessary pressures.
Bringing encouragement and thoughtfulness just like a blog post should do!!
Sending blessings to them as they continue blogging for the 2019-2020 homeschooling year.
UCHU Member’s please show Naja and Joy your virtual love!!
Your fellow homeschooling members/family!
Peace and Blessings!
Serving You and Yours