2 days Left!!! Transcripts and Ranking Forms deadline approaching.


UCHU-AA is well underway with calculating transcripts.

(That would be ME!! ha. ha. ha)

How many is that……well that would be just a little over 100 transcripts, plus report cards AND plus a host of ranking forms.

Where am I majority of my days this week?

Yeah…you’ve guessed it.

Living on my computer.

Though I did take a moment for my weekly datenite with my husband tonight.(sweetness) And before I left the restaurant many of you were contacting me with questions.

Guess what? I love it!!

I love that I’m touchable, reachable and in good relationship with many of you that you will give me a text late at night. ((insert ‘heart’ here))

Well….the deadline is just TWO DAYS AWAY.

Midnight, May 31, 2018 is the cut off to turn in your high school students transcript forms and ranking forms for completion.

If you DON’T make it by deadline….. no worries.

You may still submit your transcript request/report cards after May 31, 2018. They will be minus ranking but will be calculated with your student’s gpa.

If you have any questions and actually need to talk directly with me schedule a time on my virtual calendar.  Choose a day and time that will work best for you. www.calendly.com/uchuthirdoption/15min

Otherwise, email me at UCHUThirdOption@gmail.com

The next few days I’ll be having my rondevous with UCHU-AA members transcripts, report cards and ranking forms. I may not be easily accessible.

I simply adore what I do.

My purpose driven life is to make a positive impact on 1000s of homeschoolers worldwide. I do that in part by serving YOU MY HOMESCHOOLING  UCHU-AA COMMUNITY!!

Thank you!! ((insert heart))


Angela UCHU website pic

Angela Jordan Perry, is a wife of 25 years, homeschooling Mom of eight children, mentor, entrepreneur, host of Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling, podcast host of Girlfriends Chat, direct marketer, mad’am farmer, homeschool co-op director, Toastmasters Competent Communicator recipient, racial injustice activist. Angela and her family makes their homestead in Campobello, SC.