All application materials are attached with detailed instructions. Applications are DUE 31 Aug to Shannon Keating,
Current GPA (3.5 grade point average on a four-point scale or using the SCUGS):
Please include a copy of your dated transcript showing GPA with this application
Test Score
If in 9th-10th grades, 90% composite score on Stanford, Iowa, or California Achievement
Test taken within the last 9 months, or one of the tests listed below.
If in 11-12th grade, one of the following: SAT 1800, ACT 26, PSAT 180.
Please include a copy of your test results with this application.
***Please note: IOWA and CAT test scores will only be accepted if the test was administered in a group setting. We cannot accept test scores if the test was administered by the parent. Pre-ACT, Plan, MAT, Woodcock, Johnson, PASS, THETA, and COMPASS tests are not accepted.
Community Service
I understand that I must complete 20 hours of community service this school year, and that my record sheet documenting these hours is due April 30th.
Shannon Keating and Dawn Vanasse
Parent Advisors
Eta Sigma Alpha National Honor Society
Phi Beta Chapter