10 things Entrepreneurs and Home Educators have in common


Being a home educator for the past 16 years and an entrepreneur for the past 16 years it finally dawned on me that these TWO ‘professions’ are so similar in character make-up.

With an affinity for reading and utitilizing quotes, its come to my attention that the motivational business quotes I enjoy also can be used in homeschooling too!!

Why?  Because Entrepreneurs and Home Educators have a lot, a lot, a lot in common.

While this list is not comprehensive it expresses the point at hand.

As you bare these thoughts in mind and have ever considered becoming an entrepreneur…be encouraged.

You have the quality traits it takes as a home educator to dive into entrepreneurship. And what you lack you can find help to fill in the gaps.

Maybe you lack funding or administrative skills or organizational skills.

Entrepreneurs nor Home Educators ever allowed their lack of something to stop them from moving forward.

They find a way to make it happen.

10 things Entrepreneurs and Home Educators have in common

  1. They are visionaries.

Both Entrepreneurs and Home Educators see the possibility of what can be if they put their effort into it.

2. Willing to go against the norm.

Both Entrepreneuers and Home Educators are willing to swim against the flow. Not being moved by the norm. They are risk takers. Risking it all if they feel their convictions are warranted and of value.

3. Status quo changers.

Both Entrepreneurs and Home Educators aren’t moved by the fact of what everyone else is doing or say one must do. If needed they will set a new status quo often challenging ‘what is’ to ‘what can be.’

4. Not afraid of hard work and long hours.

Both Entrepreneurs and Home Educators can attest that this is TRUE. Hard work and long hours is our staple of life. The payoff does manifest but maybe years later. 🙂

5. Resourceful.

Both Entrepreneurs and Home Educators will find a way. There is absolutely NOTHING that will stop them from ‘making it happen.’

6. ‘Make it happen’ attitude.

Both Entrepreneurs and Home Educators have focused, tunnel vision and do not believe in the impossible. They have no tolerance for it. It’s not in their vocabulary. And will demand the possibile be manifested – period.

7. Never quit.

Both Entrepreneurs and Home Educators have a NO QUIT policy. It may come to mind to do so but it just isn’t going to happen. Their gut will not allow it be so. To clarify. Having to change gears is not quitting. Maybe revamping. 🙂

8. Committed to the task at hand.

Both Entrepreneurs and Home Educators are committed. Committed to what they first start. And committed until the end of their assignment and goal.

9. Self-motivators.

Both Entrepreneurs and Home Educators know how to encourage themselves when the tough gets going. They’ve figured out a system that works for them to keep their chin up, eyes focused and spirits lifted.

10. Ingenuitive .

Both Entrepreneurs and Home Educators can make something out of seemingly nothing. Their skill and talent Creates. Dreams. Orchestrates.

What other commonalities do think Entrepreneurs and Home Educators have in common? Comment and share! Let’s keep the list going.

(Be sure to share this post with a fellow home educator or on your fb page. It may be the encouragement they need for the day and for the homeschooling journey.)

Serving You and Yours,

Angela Jordan Perry,

UCHU owner/administrator/director


Angela Jordan Perry, is a wife of 24 years, homeschooling Mom of eight children, entrepreneur, mad’am farmer, Toastmaster and follower of Christ. Angela and her family makes their home in Campobello, SC.