August 2014

“Homeschooled children test at least one grade level ahead of public schooled children and have fewer behavioral problems.”

Homeschool Moms and Dads, if you are wondering if all your hard work it fruitless? If for all your hard work nothing is being gained? Well here is some encouragement for your hard work for those (at least) 180 days of schooling your children. 🙂 Being with them 24/7. Dealing with all the work. Discipline. And Hard …

“Homeschooled children test at least one grade level ahead of public schooled children and have fewer behavioral problems.” Read More »

The Learning Myth: Why I’ll Never Tell My Son He’s Smart by Salman Kahn

Alright…..I read this article and it was a mind opener. Hhhhmmm!! Interesting. The brain grows and intelligence gained as we exercise our brain. Struggle with something until we get it. So, in essence the writer, Salman Kahn of Kahn Academy, suggests that you should praise children for the conquering or making a clear accomplishment over …

The Learning Myth: Why I’ll Never Tell My Son He’s Smart by Salman Kahn Read More »